A man in tan shirt and tie making an ok sign.

American Fernando

Star’s Latest Releases

  • ABBA’s originals
  • ABBA’s remixes
  • A-Teen’s remixes
  • Star’s remixes
  • Eclectic remixes

Would You Like to Join Our Board of Directors?

We are a charitable music organization seeking adult and professional volunteers willing to serve on our Board of Directors.

American Fernando USA is eager to add to the Board of Directors of our nonprofit corporation.

A group of children standing next to each other.
A group of people in a room with musical instruments.

What We Need

We seek additional adult volunteers in Arkansas willing to serve on our Board of Directors.

Your duties are:

  • Attend four (4) board meetings each year, lasting 1–2 hours, in person or by Zoom, to set policy and suggest ideas for the stability and growth of the nonprofit.
  • Become familiar with our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and financial reports, and be aware of current and future events.
  • Be willing to offer (a) your professional advice (legal, financial, educational, etc.), -or- (b) perform an informal service (local transportation, stage setup, cashier, snack preparer).